AVISO (12/03/23):
Debido a la gran cantidad de juicios por jurados llevados a cabo en una decena de provincias de Argentina, la AAJJ dejará de publicar crónicas individuales por cada juicio y comenzará a publicar resúmenes mensuales

sábado, 30 de marzo de 2019


From March 26 to 28, the City of Mendoza hosted the IV International Jury Trial Conference, "The Jury in Argentina and Latin America ".

The event was a total success: 250 attendees filled the Convention Center during the three days. Particpants unanimously agreed that the conference provided both practical and academic experience for the attendees. Judges, lawyers, prosecutors and citizens from Mendoza and from all the Argentine provinces attended.

The Conference was organized by the Institute of Comparative Studies in Criminal and Social Sciences (INECIP), the Government of Mendoza, the Argentine Association of Jury Trials (AAJJ), the Embassy of the United States in Argentina, the Supreme Court of Justice of Mendoza and Mendoza´s Commission for the Implementation of Jury Trials.

The farewell picture

The Confrenece, held in the Dr. Emilio Civit Congress and Exhibition Center, lasted three days and hosted hundreds of people, all interested in the presentations of national, regional and international authorities and experts in the field.

The Conference was opened with speeches by Alfredo Cornejo (Governor of the Province of Mendoza) José Valerio and Jorge Nanclares (Justices of the Supreme Court of Justice of Mendoza), Héctor Granillo Fernández (President of the AAJJ), and Brian Asmus (Deputy Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of the United States in Argentina).

Brian Asmus, in a statement of political praise, said that the Government of the United States is deeply impressed by the speed and strength with which the jury trial in Argentina is expanding. He also praised the effect of jury trials for the publicity, transparency, and democracy of the Judiciary.

Governor Cornejo´s opening speech

Throughout the conference, several topics were discussed that sought to cover the jury trial in all its stages, from all its participants, and from the perspectives of different disciplines:

- The American jury and its role in democracy.
- The political dimension of the JURY TRIAL.
- Why twelve (12), unanimous, and final?
- The new Argentine provinces with juries
- The jury trial in Latin America
- The classic jury and the power of deliberation
- The role of the judge in jury trial
- Instructions to the jury
- Voir Dire: selection or deselection of the potential jurors?
- New challenges of adversarial litigation in the jury trial.

A packed hall

In particular, the event was highlighted by the presentations of international authorities such as John W. Gastil (professor at the University of Pennsylvania), Shari Seidman Diamond (professor at Northwestern University), Valerie Hans (professor at Cornell University), Marina Marmolejo (Federal Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas) and Martín Sabelli (Trial lawyer in San Francisco).

Shari Diamond, the Governor of Mendoza and his ministers

In one of the core parts of the Conference, historical leaders of the Regional Reform Process came to Mendoza, such as professors Marcos Köhn (Paraguay), Reynaldo Imaña Arteaga (Bolivia), Andrés Rieutord (Chile), Diego Camaño (Uruguay) and Víctor Burgos Mariños (Peru). In this way, the Congress served as a historical milestone for the expansion of jury trial throughout the region, as it emerges from the constitutional tradition of all of Latin America. The Congress sets the stage for refounding the jury in Latin America.

Professors from Perú, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay

During the event, in addition, the sixth volume of the Collection "Juicio por Jurados y Participación Ciudadana" of the Ad Hoc Publishers was presented: the book, "The Verdict of the Jury", was the doctoral thesis of Andrés Harfuch (vice president of the AAJJ).

Prof. Hendler and Prof. Andrés Harfuch

Finally, the Conference also included the participation of the following diplomats, politicians, members of the Judiciary, researchers, and experts: Marcelo D'Agostino, Matías Deane, Fernando Guzzo, Ximena Morales, Viviana Morici, Francisco Pont Vergés, Cristian Penna, Aldana Romano, Víctor del Río , Daniel Erbetta, Juan Pablo Ortega, Guillermo Nicora, Andrés Harfuch, Edmundo Hendler, Sidonie Porterie, Carlos Carnevale, Alejandro Cascio, Mario Juliano, Fernando Zvilling, Denise Bakrokar and Luciana Piñeyro.


Justice Valerio, Valerie Hans, Judge Marina Marmolejo
and Secretary of Justice Marcelo D´Agostino

Martín Sabelli adresses the audience

Justice Valerio, Andrés Harfuch and Giancarlo Spinetta
Cristian Penna, Ximena Morales,
Viviana Morici y Fernando Guzzo

John Gastil and Valerie Hans signing their book
Harfuch signing his new book
Martín Sabelli and Judge Matías Deane

Aldana Romano (INECIP) and John Gastil

Sidonie Porterie (INECIP) and Valerie Hans

Denise Bakrokar and judges Fernando Zvilling,
Alejandro Cascio y Mario Juliano

The new provinces with trial by jury

Denise Bakrokar, Guillermo Nicora,
Marina Marmolejo and Cristian Penna

Cocktail at the Governor´s House

The Public Defense of Mendoza

Governor Cornejo and attendees

More news:

- Los Andes (29/03/19): "Mendoza fue sede del IV Congreso Internacional de Juicio por Jurados" (ver)

- Prensa Gobierno Mendoza (28/03/19): "Culminó con éxito el IV Congreso Internacional de Juicio por Jurados en Mendoza" (ver)

- Diario UNO Mendoza (28/03/19): "Expertos internacionales destacaron a Mendoza por los juicios por jurados" (ver)

- Prensa Gobierno Mendoza (28/03/19): "El Gobernador recibió a la especialista en juicios por jurados Shari Diamond" (ver)