AVISO (12/03/23):
Debido a la gran cantidad de juicios por jurados llevados a cabo en una decena de provincias de Argentina, la AAJJ dejará de publicar crónicas individuales por cada juicio y comenzará a publicar resúmenes mensuales

viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018

THREE YEARS OF TRIAL BY JURY IN BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA: More than 200 jury trials and almost 70% guilty verdicts

Bahía Blanca’s Observatory of Trial by Jury (Buenos Aires, Argentina) announced its annual research on jury trials in the Province of Buenos Aires. With the accuracy that characterizes it, the prestigious entity revealed the results of each and every one of the trials that took place since lay participation began in March 2015 in Argentina´s most important province.

Numbers are impressive: the amount of jury trials increases year after year. Guilty verdicts reach 69%, while not guilty verdicts represented around 31% of cases.

During 2018, it is expected to exceed the amount of 250 trials held so far, constituting a milestone for the country and the rest of Latin America. Moreover, these trials were carried out with no major issues and with a high level of acceptance among lay jurors.

The numbers shown in the graphics had a wide impact throughout the country (see related news).

See related news:

- Minuto Uno (11/03/18): A tres años de los juicios por jurados en la Provincia, casi el 70% termina en condena [Ver]

- Télam (12/03/18): A tres años de los juicios por jurados en la Provincia, casi el 70% termina en condena [Ver]

- El Día (12/03/18): Cada vez hay más juicios por jurados en la Provincia: el 70% termina en condena [Ver]

- Diario Popular (12/03/18): Casi el 70 por ciento de los juicios por jurados termina en condena [Ver]